Wednesday, June 13, 2007

It has been pretty dry

It has been pretty dry for the past few days, so I needed to give the garden some much needed water. Unless I have been a little neglectful, and later see I have plants that are dying, I always water my garden when it is mostly, if not entirely, in the shade. As you can see from my sun pattern series, this occurs before 8 AM and around 8 PM. In these shots, it was a little earlier, maybe about 7. MW and I were getting ready to take LD and MO for a walk, so I wanted to get it watered before I left. I did not want to over water and waste water.

BTW, it is a fear of wasting water that leads me to water when the sun has little chance of causing quicker evaporation of the water. In fact, I get a little mad when I see people watering their yards or gardens in the middle of the day when the sun is most hot. It also bothers me how much water Las Vegas uses in all their fountains in the desert. That direct water from the lush north of Nevada through aqueducts to supply the city and suburbs with water. If it is not enough to just move the water to a pretty unnatural place for water, the big hotels and casinos insist on wasting it with water shows and fountains. Well that is enough ranting for now.

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